
Starting with the very young players 3 years old, working relentlesslythrough our long-term developmentprogram, providing a solid and progressive training, practicing the soccer fundaments properly in eachage group or team with the simple method of “Repetition”, but in a dynamic environment where children feel confident and always willing to move forwards and upwards, we always include Futsal as the most important educational tool to develop soccer skills . For the players who want to go forward in the world of soccer, we prepare them to experience Europen Football through our International InternshipProgram in Professional Clubs in Europe.


  • Developing a Soccer Culture is one of the most important steps in creating a positive soccer environment for teams, players, or parents who come to soccer with different objectives, but all must have a positive approach to training and education.


  • Every Brazil Soccer for all programs, since the sessionfor 3-4 years old through high school aged players, we follow a Unique Targeted Training System.


  • The Brazil Soccer School Programs, is designed for a long-term process to build not only soccer players but a complete athlete, players, and coaches are able to participate in soccer activities on a regular year-round basis, January to December, included summer, through a blend of an individual or groupedtraining and teamwork.


  • We have an active affiliation with National Soccer Associations, where we keeping our curriculum strong and challenging for every level of player. We firmly believe adopting one philosophy of coaching has limitations when working with youth soccer players, but we have confidence in our curriculum and applied coaching methods, the experiences have been proven thatthe Brazil Soccer Techniques really works, when applied by trained coaches through the medium of relevant seasonal programs such as US Club Soccer Tournament Affiliated, other games tournaments formats such as 3x3Tournamentslocal and National Tour. Then our curriculum does expose players and coaches to an unsurpassed level of information through competitions.


  • Brazil Soccer School -Academy’s trainers represent professionalism, Integrity, and have a wealth of soccer knowledge. We respect our trainers and provide an environment for them to be successful and focused on whatthey love to do…. be a Coach! Brazil Soccer Academy trainers are certificated by ” Brazilian Community Soccer Florida”, to attend exclusively our program, they have had a complete background check confirming their suitability to work with children.